How to choose your photographer….

There are lots of elements that go into choosing a photographer. It’s an investment in your families storey and a treasured heirloom that will be passed through the generations.

It’s always an honour when someone chooses me to create their family photos and here are few tips on helping you decide if I am the photographer for you.

I could simply tell you to ‘pick me’ but that’s not what lies within my heart. I want you to choose the photographer that is the best match for your family. Obviously price is a crucial factor but it should not be the ‘only’ factor.

I understand that your budget is your budget but just imagine your were buying a new sofa, you wouldn’t buy and sofa you don’t like just because its cheap, after all it will be in your living room and you need to look at it everyday ! Photographs are the same, don’t pick someone JUST because of price because these are moments captured that you will ALWAYS look at.

  • Choose someone who’s work you love

  • Choose someone who’s work you can see yourself and family in - do they represent your ‘style’

  • Choose someone who’s work makes your ‘feel’ when you look at the photographers images do you see a ‘nice’ picture or does it evoke an emotion, make you feel and allow you to think - think more about the story that is playing out in the images - does their work move you ?

  • Choose someone who’s work shows consistency across their portfolio

If you like my work, if you believe that I am a fit for your family, if you can see YOUR family in my images then I would LOVE to hear from you.